Thursday, August 9, 2007

ITL Extra! - Recent ITL Finals History

The 2007 ITL Finals will feature a team other than Rockport, Ipswich or Manchester for the first time since 1997. Hamilton will storm into Rockport at 2:00 PM this coming Saturday in Game 1 of this season's championship series. Below is a recap of the last nine years of ITL Finals history. The team in bold lettering won the series and the ITL title.

1998 Manchester vs. Rockport
1999 Rockport vs. Manchester
2000 Manchester vs. Rockport
2001 Rockport vs. Manchester
2002 Rockport vs. Ipswich
2003 Ipswich vs. Rockport
2004 Manchester-Essex vs. Rockport
2005 Rockport vs. Ipswich
2006 Rockport vs. Ipswich